Maikoa LLC

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What Covid-19 Means to Small Businesses

The 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is making headlines everywhere demonstrating the intricate connectivity of individuals and business. Like a tapestry our daily lives are woven together by economics, community, schools, government, media etc. Pull on one thread and it can all come unwoven. Right now my high-school aged children are home as teachers learn how to run online classes. My college aged children have extended spring break and will be taking online classes through the end of March. If they choose to stay on campus they will need to find food as cafeterias are closed. As the cafeteria employees also stay home, their income is impacted and the vendors that supply the food and the producers of those food products are impacted and so forth and so on.

So what does this mean? According to Small Business Trends 27% of small business revenue will be impacted by the Corona virus. What does this mean to your business? Learn more …